Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fun with food.

 Here I am tonight writing for last night as well as tonight. Last night  I decided my creativity would go into the world of cooking. I decided last night to come up with a list of 25 strange things to make to eat! Just to try and enjoy. I like to push the boundaries a little and I believe exploring is a great part of creativity. Exploration is endless with all the new things we can learn, see and try!
So Here is my list of 25 strange things I want to try to cook and perfect even if by change when needed.

  1. Acorn Squash and Ham Sandwiches, On French Bread.
  2. Cow Tongue with  Spinach and Artichoke stuffed Tomato's.
  3. Apple and Chicken Chunk Bow Tie Pasta in Alfredo Sauce.
  4. Banana and Peach Basted Shrimp.
  5. Sirloin topped with Avocado and Lime sauce.
  6. Grape and Mint leaf stuffed Chicken.
  7. Cheese and Ground Beef Stuffed Beef  Roast.
  8. Cooked Pears with Cheese Cream Sauce.
  9. Potato slices cooked and Basted with Orange Flavoring.
  10. Halibut with strawberry Sauce.
  11. Cooked Onions with Italian Sauce.
  12. Celery, Chicken , Honey , and Carrots Slow cooked. 
  13. Frog Legs! Yes
  14. Strawberry Ribs.
  15. Gravy over Chicken stuffed Bread Balls.
  16. Caramelized Bell peppers with real Caramel.
  17. Pork Loin Stuffed with Banana Peanut Butter Paste.
  18. Mashed Potatoes with Mango sauce and Bacon Bits.
  19. Bean and  Bell Pepper Soup.
  20. Beef Pizza with no pizza sauce but brown gravy instead.
  21. Sausage and Cabbage Fry.
  22. Orange Hamburgers
  23. Applesauce Shrimp wrapped in  Lettuce
  24. Mango and Chicken Rice filled Tacos
  25. Squash Filled and Cooked with Sausage and Cream Cheese

Yes some of these things sound awful but there has to be a way to make some of these combos work great and taste awesome! We Tried 1 on the list last night and it was a hit after cooking the acorn squash for two hours making it easy to turn into a past.
 I also used butter and brown sugar in the squash while it cooked and it went great with the ham and the density of the bread. 


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